







以上所有的問題,我現在通通可以回答了 -------





















































*&%$#@+*&︿%#@!!!   是嫌我還不夠緊張是不是?  阿現在我是真的完完全全地緊張了起來了.......


先把我的上下睫毛貼起來 --- 還可以忍受;

再度把撐眼器塞進我眼睛裡 --- 好脹、好不舒服,忍忍忍,我忍...;

放進固定眼球的機器 --- 那壓在我眼球上的是什麼東西?;

拿根白色的東西在我眼球來來回回地刷幾百下 --- 感覺應該要很痛,但是其實只是怪...;

達達達達達達達達達......機器開始磨平我的眼角膜了 --- 這是最重要的一個部分,我絕對不能動...我絕對不能動...但是我好想吞口水喔現在!怎麼辦?我口水快要忍不住了...不行,我真的得要吞口水...







after surgery.jpg








術後的隔天我就可以正常作息,當然看東西還是有一點模糊,但是算是可以 不用依賴眼鏡了。


之後的一個星期的護理工作就是不能揉眼睛、不能把洗面乳弄靠近眼睛的部分、不能化妝,一天要點四次眼藥水...不能化妝的部分比較痛苦,因為這導致我一整個星期都戴著墨鏡去上課。← 愛美是其次,其實是怕眼睛裡的血塊會嚇到孩子,好貼心的一個老師阿我!


Derek的術後過程就坎坷多了(看看上面的照片,他術後眼睛超腫的!),前24個小時簡直是折煞我也(當然真正受苦的人是他),那過程真的太崎嶇,所有有興趣知道PRK術後過程是多麼折磨的人請讀以下Derek的PRK log:


We arrived home, Erin and Phoebe are in pain and head off to bed. I walk around a while and chat with Brian about the surgery.

And then the tide changes. Phoebe begins sleeping, I begin crying. Not from pain, but my eyes are pretty angry. The pain killer from earlier started wearing off and my eyes started swelling up. My eyes took my sinuses along for the ride so my entire upper face started to swell from the surgery. My nose started running, my eyes were watering like a 3 year old that watches his puppy get hit by a bus. This continues for a good three more hours at which point (FINALLY!) I get to take my second pain pill abd antibiotic (every 4 hours).

Well at least the sensation went down some. Truth be told it wasn't painful. It was irritating. If you've ever put a contact lens in wrong or with a bubble under it you'll know what I'm talking about. It was that scratchy irritated feeling of having an eyelash in your eye, but multiplied by about 50. Think of the driest most annoying day you've ever had with your contacts, then bump that up a few hundred notches. The worst part was the running nose and tears though. They were not kidding around, I went through around a whole box of tissues that night just drying up my watering eyes and taking care of my nose. I would have made it to sleep with the irritated feeling, but the watering eyes and runny nose kept me awake. I walked around the room as I found that standing helped keep the sensations as a minimum because of the lower blood pressure while standing. I walked around, paced around, fiddled around with my guitar, listened to music, anything I could do to keep my mind off of that amazingly irritating feeling. After a while I just gave up and surrendered to the knowledge that this was going to be my fate for the day and that this was not going away any time soon. I crawled into bed in hope of being luck enough to sleep through it.

I set my alarm for 4:30 AM (my next pain pill and antibiotic time) and just sat in bed keeping myself dry. You should have seen the wastebasket. It looked like a foot of snow from the tissues. Somewhere between wipes I think I finally managed to get into a comfortable enough lull in my watering and runniness to doze off.

At which point we begin day one otherwise known as...


My alarm went off at 4:30 AM. I reached over to grab my phone and look at it to turn it off. BAAAAAD mistake. It was like staring at a welding arc. Sometime between when I dozed off and when my alarm went off, my eyes thought it would be a good idea to make everything I looked at just like staring directly at the sun through a telescope. My cell phone screen was so bright that I literally just winced and gave up even pretending that I was going to be able to set the alarm for 8:30 (4 hours, 4 hours, just 4 hours) and had Phoebe do it. She rolled over just like any other night, half asleep, set it for me, then rolled back asleep. I got to spend another hour or two fighting off tears and snot before I again dozed off to sleep.

Useful tip : before your PRK be sure to stock up on tissue paper and tissue paper company stocks.

8:30 comes around. This time with a vengeance. Phoebe is already up, eyes open walking around the apartment, eating breakfast. I get up like a groggy swamp monster full of oozing pores and buckets of gushing slime. It's at this point when I realize that my apartment must be located around 3 feet from the sun. BOOM everything is bright. Not just bright, but like vampire in a tanning bed bright. I tell Phoebe about this and she begins taping towels over the windows to make the room dimmer. When she finally has every single crack covered it still wasn't enough. I put a t-shirt over my face to try to block the rest of the light sneaking through. Still not good enough. Two nice thick t-shirts ended up doing the trick well enough, though that pinpoint of light sneaking in under my nose is threatening to melt my retinas.

Useful tips : before your PRK surgery, prepare your bedroom to be as dark as possible. Think vampire mushrooms.

So this was my day 1. Sitting in bed, wondering when the sun would finally go away. Taking pills every four hours. Eyes watering like a garden hose. My face so swollen and uncomfortable that I wonder if I've managed to win any prize fights recently. My nose was just gushing still. I ended up using two full boxes of tissues up to this point. Pills, pills, pills, drops, drops, drops.

Useful tips : use a cold pack for reducing facial swelling. It helps. Just remember how to get to your fridge with your eyes closed!

Day 1. Not fun. Nose always on the run. Phoebe and I began to notice a cycle in my attitude. Happy for the next two hours after I took a pain pill, then slowly degrading into irritation at my eyes until I just couldn't stand to wait another minute to get to my next pill. The pain they talked about wasn't really there. There was never really any pain, not to any degree that I couldn't easily withstand, though I guess my experience with major migraines sort of put levels of head pain in perspective. Overall I'd put day 1 on par with a day of a bad hangover. You know it'll be over soon enough. You know you'll be back to normal eventually, but while it's going on you just want to die.

Useful tip : Be sure to refrain from beating up your friends that had LASIK done the same time as you. They will be back to normal and have no pain about 6 hours after surgery. Friggim fraggum nrgll little shits.

As day 1 came to a close the sun finally went away. You'd think that would be good enough so that I don't need the t-shirts anymore. WRONG! Next to my bed I have a 15 W incandescent bulb I us for reading at night. I turned this light on (still with the t-shirts over my face mind you) and thought someone had detonated an atomic bomb in my brain. Turning it away from myself so that it shone on the other side of the room proved equally as painful. I ended up, with Phoebe's help, so that the entire illumination of our bedroom consisted of our bathroom light on with the door closed. Yes this was still bright when I took off the t-shirts.

Finally the night wore on. Phoebe and Erin went out for their first check up to see how their eyes were coming along. Erin ended up with one eye at 1.5 (normal is 1.2, higher is better) and one at .9. Phoebe ended up with .9 is both. Their eyes are healing quite quickly and their vision is nearly already where it will be permanently.

I end up eating something finally and then slink back to bed. Day 1 almost over. Woohoo! But that supply of pills sure is going fast...


Day 2 - Well that's nice

I woke up on day 2 expecting another day 1, since I still had pills left. It was a pleasant surprise to wake up and actually be able to OPEN my eyes. Not only that I could see fairly well out of my right eye. My left eye was proving a little blurry still, but at least I wasn't a swamp monster anymore. Day 2 was a complete turn around from day 1. I got out of bed feeling pretty good. I could open my eyes and finally look around some. I felt like a completely new person.

My vision started out pretty good in the morning. A bit like having glasses that are just off by a little bit. This proved to be the peak of my vision that day. It slowly degraded through the whole day, up until the very end of the day when I had to have my face about 6 inches from my computer to be able to read anything on it. Blurry, but at least I could open my eyes. The watering had stopped as had the runny nose. The swelling went down and I felt loads better that night.

My LASIK companions were out and about that day living their normal lives. They actually ended up doing a fair bit of cooking that day for dinner. Erin worked all day on some tomato beef noodle soup which ended up being rather delicious.

Useful tip : get to know people that like to cook good food. Seriously.

I'll give day 2 overall a 2/10 for pain and a 5/10 for irritation.


你說說是不是很崎嶇?是不是很辛苦?← 假裝沒有聽到要翻譯的聲音......














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